ACBA Board Meeting
Zoom presentation: Click to join meetingMonthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
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Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Nicola Twilley is the author of the book Frostbite.
We all know how important bees are for pollination and our food supply. She'll give a talk on what she learned about food while writing her book about food refrigeration -- including a piece of bee-related refrigeration history that she didn't share in the book.
Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Dr. Heather Grab is an assistant professor in the department of entomology at Penn State University, where her research and extension programs help growers to balance pest management needs with the services provided by beneficial insects like wild pollinators. Prior to joining Penn State, she was a senior lecturer and postdoctoral research associate at Cornell University and at Virginia Tech where she studied the pollination services provided by wild bees to high value crops like strawberries, raspberries, tomato and squash.
She'll give a talk on The Behavior and Nesting Biology of Bumble Bees. Bumble bees are a diverse and charismatic group of bees that exhibit a wide range of lifestyles. While they are social and can even be managed like their honey bee cousins they also have many differences that are important to consider when fostering environments where both bumble bees and humans can coexist peacefully. This talk will cover the basic life history and ecology of bumble bees with a focus on their nesting biology.
Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Dr. Sagili is an entymology professor at Oregon State University. He'll speak about the pesky little Sap Beetle that eats our pollen frames.
Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.