Become an ACBA Member
The ACBA membership includes commercial and hobbyist beekeepers, and those who just have an interest from around the county. The Association serves as an educational resource for beekeeping and urban and rural ecology within the Bay Area. We leverage member knowledge and curiosity to provide beekeeping demonstrations, lectures and programming. Our monthly meetings feature informative speakers who have practical experience and academic knowledge. Beekeeping can be a life-long learning obsession and joy. There is no one way to keep bees, and success at being a bee “keeper” rather than a bee “haver” is the goal of each member. As seasons and conditions change, so do the bees and their needs. One of our favorite observations is, “Clearly, my bees haven’t read the books!”
Join Us
Through ACBA membership, individuals are exposed to a network of people and resources as comprehensive as the club’s history of more than 100 years. We encourage prospective members to attend our regular monthly meetings for presentations, discussions, and bee-related chit-chat.
Benefits of Membership
- Lending Library: bee-related books and DVDs
- Equipment Rentals: honey extractors, solar wax melter, candle making kit
- Club Google Group for conversation and problem-solving
- Newsletter Archive
- Videos and Powerpoint presentations created by monthly speakers
- Mentorship opportunities
- Swarm List: Interested members are notified about swarms and extractions reported to the Swarm Hotline and have the opportunity to collect bees.
To join or renew
Membership is just $10/year.
Click here to use a credit card, PayPal or Venmo to join or renew online.
Alternately, you can attend one of the in-person meetings on the second Tuesday of the month. Bring the printed membership form and a check for $10 and talk to our membership coordinator.
Memberships expire at the end of December, no matter when you join. Payments from new members received in November and December are applied to the following calendar year’s dues. New members joining during these months receive immediate access to the newsletter, meetings and other programs, but the full privileges of membership (including voting for officers) become effective on January 1.
We’re excited and honored to have you join our historic and distinguished roster of members. Welcome!