ACBA Board Meeting
Zoom presentation: Click to join meetingMonthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Monthly meeting of the Local Bee Initiative at Manor Grill in San Leandro. Food and drink available. Take a hard left when you enter the restaurant.
Join us for our monthly in-person meeting! Our speaker will be Scott Jorgensen on the subject of top-bar beekeeping. Scott has kept bees continuously since 2011, starting off with top bar hives while serving in the US Peace Corps from 2011-2013. With over a decade of California beekeeping experience in both frame and top bar hive designs, Scott (and the bees) continue to learn in San Joaquin county.
Nicola Twilley is the author of the book Frostbite.
We all know how important bees are for pollination and our food supply. She'll give a talk on what she learned about food while writing her book about food refrigeration -- including a piece of bee-related refrigeration history that she didn't share in the book.
Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Monthly meeting of the Local Bee Initiative at Manor Grill in San Leandro. Food and drink available. Take a hard left when you enter the restaurant.
Join us for our annual pot-luck end-of-year celebration and officer elections. Note this event is at a different location in San Leandro compared to previous monthly meetings.
Monthly ACBA board meeting (scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month). For board members and invitees.
Our next work day in the garden will be December 21, the Solstice. Bring any plants that we can put in the ground, or any seeds you would like to sew. All donations to the garden are welcomed. We will also enjoy some cider and snacks and toast to the shortest day of the year. It will be a light labor workday, and mostly enjoying the time outdoors, the change in the season, and each other’s company. Heavy rain cancels.
Monthly meeting of the Local Bee Initiative at Manor Grill in San Leandro. Food and drink available. Take a hard left when you enter the restaurant.