October Hive Dive!
Hayward Community Gardens Apiary 24919 Whitman St, Hayward, CA, United States
Join a bee inspection at our new club apiary! If you don’t yet have your first bees, or you’re still nervous about handling the bees you got and want to see how others do it, this is what you’ve been waiting for. It’s a free opportunity to see a hive inspection and handle bees with a more experienced ACBA member.
We'll also be working on the pollinator-friendly demonstration garden; if you'd like to hang out with fellow beekeepers and do a little garden work, this is a great place to be! More helpers are always welcome. Phil Stob and other gardeners will be there beginning even earlier, at 10 AM.
If you're planning on attending and you're new to beekeeping, please email webmaster@alamedabees.org so we can make sure there are enough beekeping suits (etc.) available.
Mite treatment demonstration
Hayward Community Gardens Apiary 24919 Whitman St, Hayward, CA, United States
Join Sung Lee for a mite treatment demonstration at the club apiary!
Sung has over 80 hives and also manages many clients' hives. He has not lost a single hive by mites in the past three years since he implemented his own I.P.M. (integrated pest management). Sung says “bring your questions, and listen to what I do and how I do it”.
Pollinator garden work day
Hayward Community Gardens Apiary 24919 Whitman St, Hayward, CA, United States
Help Phil Stob work on the new pollinator garden at the club apiary!
We'll be hauling wood from the curb to the garden (get your steps in), leveling and arranging the edging, raking out the wood chips from the beds, adding wood chips to the pathways, turning over the soil a bit and hoeing under the bind weed.
Bring, if you have them: wheelbarrow, hoe, pitch fork, garden rake, leaf rake, a happy attitude, ideas for the new garden.
November ACBA In-Person Meeting: Speaker Michael Palmer @ 6:45 PM
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United StatesZoom Presentation: Thomas Seeley, Author of “Honeybee Democracy”
Zoom presentation: Click to join meetingDecember In-Person Potluck and Elections
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United States
Join us for the annual potluck holiday party and officer elections! Meet old friends or make new ones, and talk about bees and your plans for the upcoming year.
Bring something delicious to share (wine/beer/mead is okay!). Soda and sparkling water will be provided.
January In-Person Meeting: Phil Stob on Bait Hives
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United States
Join us for a presentation by Phil Stob on bait hives! What makes an effective, practical swarm-trap in the East Bay? How can we save our neighbors the drama of dealing with swarms? How can we easily capture swarms from our own hives? How can we get free local bees?
Phil has the answers. He's a Fremont beekeeper and 10 year ACBA member who has had exceptional success luring colonies to his traps (75 in the last four years)! Phil gives most of his swarms to local beginner beekeepers.
Zoom Presentation: Arián Avalos, USDA-ARS Research Geneticist
February In-Person Meeting: Jennifer Radtke, Swarm Prevention in Early Spring
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United StatesZoom Presentation: Susan Kegley
March In-Person Meeting: Jerry Przybylski, Swarm Catching… and how to get the most out of the Swarm-List
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United StatesJoin us for our monthly in-person meeting!
Our speaker will be past ACBA vice president Jerry Przybylski, the coordinator of the swarm hotline and swarm list. He'll talk about swarm catching. You'll learn how to get the most out of the swarm list and (maybe) get free bees!