In Person Meeting
March In-Person Meeting: Jerry Przybylski, Swarm Catching… and how to get the most out of the Swarm-List
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United StatesJoin us for our monthly in-person meeting!
Our speaker will be past ACBA vice president Jerry Przybylski, the coordinator of the swarm hotline and swarm list. He'll talk about swarm catching. You'll learn how to get the most out of the swarm list and (maybe) get free bees!
April In-Person Meeting
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United StatesJoin us for our monthly in-person meeting! Our speaker will be “Petaluma Bee Lady” Christine Kurtz.
Her topic will be Reading the Monitoring Board. What can various hive debris, frass and trash tell you about honeybees? Oodles — and you will be amazed! With the use of screened bottom boards in conjunction with the observation boards, interesting and helpful correlations can be made to what is going on in the hive. We will discuss how to “read” the monitoring board and how to interpret the clues the various debris give us. The skill of reading monitoring boards can be helpful during times we cannot go into our hives due to the season or weather and a quick check can be done without disrupting the bees. Join us on this journey to learn about hive debris, frass and trash — you will never look at it the same way.
May In-Person Meeting
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United StatesJoin us for our monthly in-person meeting! Our speaker will be Rob Keller of the Napa Valley Bee Company. He’ll attempt to answer the question “What’s Your Place?” – understanding your position in the bee game.
July In-Person Meeting
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United StatesJoin us for our monthly in-person meeting! The speaker will be Mimi Edwards, explaining how the club does educational presentations for schools and other organizations. Learn how to share the joy of beekeeping with others!
Club Potluck Picnic
Pirate Creek Bees 6503 Calaveras Road, Sunol, CA, United StatesSeptember In-Person Meeting
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United StatesJoin us for our monthly in-person meeting! Our speaker will be Dr. Elina Niño, UC Davis Associate Professor of Cooperative Extension - Apiculture.
Dr. Niño runs the E. L. Niño Bee Lab and the California Master Beekeeper program. She'll give an update on recent discoveries in the lab.
October In-Person Meeting
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United StatesJoin us for our monthly in-person meeting! Our speaker will be Jerry Przybylski on the topic of “Fall-Management - Goals for the Beekeeper and Issues in the Yard”.
Jerry will discuss what we need to do to get our bees through our mild winter and into the spring nectar flow.
November In-Person Meeting
In person: San Leandro Marina Community Center 15301 Wicks Blvd, San Leandro, CA, United StatesJoin us for our monthly in-person meeting! Our speaker will be Scott Jorgensen on the subject of top-bar beekeeping. Scott has kept bees continuously since 2011, starting off with top bar hives while serving in the US Peace Corps from 2011-2013. With over a decade of California beekeeping experience in both frame and top bar hive designs, Scott (and the bees) continue to learn in San Joaquin county.
December In-Person Meeting
San Leandro Senior Community Center 13909 E 14th Street, San Leandro, CA, United StatesJoin us for our annual pot-luck end-of-year celebration and officer elections. Note this event is at a different location in San Leandro compared to previous monthly meetings.
January In-Person ACBA Meeting
San Leandro Senior Community Center 13909 E 14th Street, San Leandro, CA, United StatesFebruary In-Person ACBA Meeting: Phil Stob on Bait Hives
San Leandro Senior Community Center 13909 E 14th Street, San Leandro, CA, United StatesJoin us for a presentation by Phil Stob on bait hives! What makes an effective, practical swarm-trap in the East Bay? How can we save our neighbors the drama of dealing with swarms? How can we easily capture swarms from our own hives? How can we get free local bees?
Phil has the answers. He's a Fremont beekeeper and 10 year ACBA member who has had exceptional success luring colonies to his traps (75 in the last four years)! Phil gives most of his swarms to local beginner beekeepers.
Social time start at 7:00, and the formal meeting begins at 7:30... but Phil will also host a friendly discussion for new beekeepers from 7:00-7:30. If you're a new beekeeper, show up early and ask your questions!