ACBA Club Apiary at Hayward Community Gardens
The club is starting an apiary at the Hayward Community Gardens. The goal is to have a few hives in a neutral space, with scheduled “hive dive” inspections that any member or potential member can participate in. Less-experienced club members can learn hands-on techniques from more experienced members, and people who are considering taking up beekeeping can see what beekeeping is like.
There are three hives at the apiary currently. Phil Stob is also leading efforts to create a pollinator-friendly demonstration garden around the space.
Upcoming events: Open to the public!
Click the event below to get more details:
How to get there
The apiary is at 24919 Whitman Street, Hayward, CA 94544, near Cal State:
If you use Google Maps or Apple Maps, put in the full “24919 Whitman Street” address, not just “Hayward Community Gardens”, otherwise it can send you to the wrong street.
The gate is at the green “entrance” shown below, and the hives are at the very back, past all the garden plots.
Donations wanted
The apiary is just getting started, and we could use donations of:
- Ten-frame super boxes
- Honey super boxes
- Bee jackets, veils and gloves for visitors who don’t have their own
- Metal fireproof box for smoker
- New frames
If you can donate any of these things, please contact Rob Mathews at; we can arrange a pickup if that helps.
Volunteers wanted
We’re also looking for volunteers who are willing to occasionally lead hive inspections on a weekend. The goal is to have the hives inspected every couple of weeks, with some or all of those inspections being open to others. Ideally, we’ll have four or more volunteers in a rotation who will agree to do it once every two or three months. Again, please contact Rob Mathews at if you’re interested.
Thank you!
Thanks to:
- The Hayward Area Recreation District for generously donating the space to us. We want to be good neighbors, both to the management of the garden and the other gardeners. If you come by, bring a jar of honey or two to give to people if you can.
- Sung Lee and Robin Chatham for donating docile bees.
- Phil Stob for donating the hive stand and more.