ACBA Membership Form

Membership Payment

ACBA membership dues are $10 per year (plus $0.55 PayPal / credit card fees for paying online). Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st. You are responsible for renewing your membership each January. Delinquency in dues payment results in suspension of voting and other member privileges and eventually cancellation of membership. Please contact the membership coordinator if you have any questions regarding your membership status.

About you
Membership type *
May we include your contact information in the club roster distributed to members?
Your experience
Number of years as a beekeeper
Describe your level of experience
How many hives do you have?
Do you need a mentor to help you gain experience?
Your interests
The club always needs additional help. Are you interested in serving as an officer or in another volunteer role?
Would you be available as a speaker for schools or other groups?
I wish to sell:
Do you want to be on the swarm list for this year?
Extra donation?
Do you want to round up to $20.00 to support the club’s programs?

To continue, first fill in the required fields marked with an asterisk in the “About you” section above (including clicking “New” or “Renewing”).